200 GHz Filter-Based Add/Drop Module

200 GHz Filter-Based Add/Drop Module

Lumentum single channel add/drop modules are available for ITU channel spacings of 200, 100, and 50 GHz, as well as for bands of ITU channels.

Manufactured using laser welding technology, the integrated add/drop module components exceed Telcordia GR-1221 requirements. The modules, themselves, demonstrate low loss, temperature insensitivity, and reliable performance in any system application.

Fixed add/drop modules offer low-cost wavelength management solutions that are suitable for metro and access applications. Easily customizable, these devices are configured by number of channels for any customer-specific channel plan.

Packaging options include fiber type, connectors, footprint, and integration of taps and detectors for a complete dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) solution.

Established volume capability and proven experience in customizing fiberoptic components and modules make Lumentum the supplier of choice.

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