Semiconductor Optical Amplifier, InP

Semiconductor Optical Amplifier, InP

Lumentum family of high power, single-mode semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs) are designed to provide high saturated output power for telecom and 3D sensing applications. These SOAs have several advantages. Since they are ultimately just semiconductor chips, SOAs are much more compact than EDFAs: around a millimeter in size, which makes them a lot easier to package with a photonic chip into a module or transceiver. SOAs are also both lower cost and are very efficient at converting current into light, which is essential for meeting a strict power consumption budget.
With a buried heterostructure and multi-quantum well structure active core, Lumentum SOAs provide typical saturated output power in excess of 250 mW in the 1550 nm wavelength range. High power SOAs are manufactured in Lumentum in-house fabs and are design to be GR-468 compliant.

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